Are you curious if you have any stored emotions or trauma that might be causing your illness, preventing you from achieving your or even just showing up as the best, authentic version of yourself? I invite you to take my FREE Stored Emotions and Trauma Quiz.
In this episode, you'll learn what real self-love looks like, how your beliefs and self-talk impact your well-being, how to recognize when you're dishonouring yourself, and simple ways to incorporate self-love into your daily life.
[00:00] Introduction
[00:36] What self-love really means
[01:12] Why self-acceptance is the first step
[02:05] Understanding all parts of yourself
[03:18] The importance of forgiving yourself
[04:27] How to release past mistakes
[05:14] Why self-responsibility matters
[06:02] The role of beliefs in self-love
[06:48] How limiting beliefs hold you back
[07:30] Identifying negative self-talk patterns
[08:22] A simple exercise to track your self-talk
[09:15] How to reframe negative thoughts
[10:03] The impact of negative thinking on self-worth
[10:52] Why boundaries are essential for self-love
[11:36] Signs you need stronger boundaries
[12:28] How to set clear and firm boundaries
[13:15] Why saying no is a form of self-respect
[14:04] Common ways people dishonour themselves
[14:50] How dishonouring yourself creates inner conflict
[15:39] Why listening to your own needs is key
[16:24] How societal expectations affect self-love
[17:10] Recognizing when you're prioritizing others over yourself
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