48: One Exercise That Stops Stress INSTANTLY
Episode Details

Are you curious if you have any stored emotions or trauma that might be causing your illness, preventing you from achieving your or even just showing up as the best, authentic version of yourself? I invite you to take my FREE Stored Emotions and Trauma Quiz.

In this episode, you'll learn how to use connection and gratitude to calm your mind in stressful moments, how to quickly diffuse tension using simple tools, and a breathing exercise that can help both adults and children find peace. You'll also discover how these strategies can improve your emotional responses in everyday situations.


[00:00] Introduction

[01:20] Why emotions affect your behaviour

[03:10] Reacting poorly in stressful situations

[04:55] Using gratitude and connection to calm down

[06:40] How to shift your physiology during stress

[08:00] The power of connection to diffuse tension

[09:40] Importance of remembering your bond with others

[10:30] How to shift from stressed to calm

[12:00] The role of gratitude in changing your state

[13:10] Practical exercises for tapping into gratitude

[14:25] How gratitude helps shift you away from negative emotions

[15:10] Colour breathing technique for relaxation

[17:00] Using colour breathing with children

[18:10] How to practice colour breathing in difficult situations

[19:00] Why colour breathing is a simple but effective tool

[20:10] How colour breathing impacts emotional regulation

[21:00] How to use colour breathing in everyday life

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Episode cover art for 48: One Exercise That Stops Stress INSTANTLY