47: How to Tell if Your Body is Storing Trauma
Episode Details

Are you curious if you have any stored emotions or trauma that might be causing your illness, preventing you from achieving your or even just showing up as the best, authentic version of yourself? I invite you to take my FREE Stored Emotions and Trauma Quiz.

In this episode, you'll learn how your gag reflex can indicate trauma or nervous system issues, how emotions can be stored in your body, and how to use simple tests to check if your nervous system is dysregulated.


[00:00] Introduction

[01:10] The gag reflex and its connection to trauma

[04:00] How emotions and trauma affect the nervous system

[06:00] Stephanie’s experience with suppressed emotions

[08:30] The importance of using your voice

[12:15] Relationship struggles and the lack of voice

[15:05] The vagus nerve and its role in emotional health

[17:30] How stored trauma can show up physically

[20:00] How to check for a gag reflex at home

[21:20] Signs of trauma in the body

[23:00] Impact of trauma on fascia and flexibility

[24:15] The diaphragm and trauma storage

[25:45] Jaw clenching and other signs of stress

[27:00] Stress, autoimmune conditions, and emotional health

[29:15] Breathing patterns and their connection to stress

[31:00] How to check your breathing patterns at home

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Episode cover art for 47: How to Tell if Your Body is Storing Trauma